man in treatment for opioid addiction

It’s vital to seek help from an opioid addiction treatment center in your area if you or a loved one struggles with opioid abuse. Opioid abuse is a rampant issue across the U.S. Mana Recovery Center in Maui implements unmatched rehab treatment processes needed to overcome opioid addictions. Our team understands the battle you’re up against and getting the personalized treatment will help in your journey to recovery.

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Understanding Opioid Addiction

Many individuals struggling with addiction don’t seek out local opioid addiction treatment centers because of the unrealized dangers of opioid dependency and potency. The following provides in-depth details of the dangers of opioid addiction.

Addiction Can Stem from First-Use

Opioids are especially dangerous because you can become addicted after the first use of a substance like fentanyl or heroin. This is due to several factors, primarily consisting of potency and individual bodily response. Once addiction takes hold, it becomes increasingly difficult and painful to stop. We understand and we want to help!

Opioids Suppress Natural Hormone Production

Opioid Tolerance Requires Increasingly Dangerous Dose Escalation

Opioid Withdrawals are Equally Dangerous Without Professional Assistance

Withdrawal can consist of bodily shock, induced mental disorders, heart attacks, and other health problems. Thankfully, Mana Recovery can help minimize or even neutralize most withdrawal symptoms safely.

Therapies and Treatments for Opioid Addiction

It’s important to get individualized treatment geared toward your specific substance struggle. Our treatments are specifically modified to suit your needs. The following are the most effective individualized treatment programs.

Medication-based Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment, MAT for short, is a treatment that utilizes prescriptions to abate withdrawal symptoms. This is predominantly administered during detox treatment that requires medications to safely and comfortably stabilize neuronic dependency to normal levels. Reach out to an assessment specialist to see if medication-based treatment is right for you.

Partial Hospitalization Therapy

One-on-One Therapy

Intensive Outpatient Therapy

Inpatient Therapy

What’s the Difference Between Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment

Unlike inpatient service which requires treatment at an on-site facility, outpatient treatment is done at a more neutral setting. While you still receive the same access to around-the-clock care, outpatient treatment is for individuals who require less rehab monitoring and attentiveness. On the other hand, inpatient treatment is for those who need a little more assistance in their addiction struggle.

opioid treatment

The Importance of Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Think of aftercare treatment as the finishing touches of well-rounded therapy to ensure your self-sustainable sobriety. At Mana Recovery, we believe in going the extra mile for our patients to include full-proof and thorough treatment methods. In aftercare treatment, specialists help you apply all the lessons learned in therapy to everyday life. This includes preventative techniques to ensure relapse does not occur.

What are the Benefits of Therapy in a Tropical Environment?

When it comes to treatment, location has a medically proven mental and physiological effect on your progress. That’s why opioid addiction treatment centers in Maui have a more profound effect on patients than any other treatment centers around the world. Here are just a few of those benefits.

Relaxation and Stress-Free Environments are Key to Successful Recovery

Numerous medical studies reveal a connection between stress and deepening substance abuse. Therefore, it’s vital to put every individual at ease both mentally and physically. Our breathtaking location provides the perfect elemental foundation for anybody to start over in their rehab process. Rest assured, you’ll have the stress-free clean slate of your dreams in conjunction with unrivaled treatment standards at Mana Recovery.

Tropical Environments Help Clear Your Mind

Beyond just a relaxing environment, getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life helps you put life and your struggles in perspective. For example, it makes coming to terms with your struggle easier so you can move on to allowing rehab to be effective in your life. It can also help you discover enjoyable hobbies you would’ve never known otherwise to take the place of your addictive habits.

A Refocus-Centered Atmosphere

In paradise, you’ll find it easier to refocus yourself on rehab goals and life priorities. In addition, our unmatched treatment team can help you prioritize your treatment and life goals through individualized coaching sessions. This environmentally-induced refocusing enables our therapists to train you to hone this motivation into independently sustainable sobriety beyond recovery.

Support for Families of Individuals with Opioid Addiction

Mana Recovery understands that it isn’t just the addicted who suffer opioid addiction. The entire family is affected in a way that is unique to each family member. That’s why we provide a variety of supportive exercises and treatment sessions to help the entire family grow together throughout the recovery process. We are in the relationship mending and building business. We accomplish that by helping you and the addicted come together as a family unit. This means helping each side understand and sympathize with one another in a full-spectrum support system. Together you and your family can overcome any obstacle.

How to Choose the Right Addiction Treatment Center in Maui

The easiest and most efficient way to choose the right addiction treatment center for you is to reach out to one of our addiction assessment experts today. You don’t have to agonize or stress over wondering which of the plethora of treatment centers is right for you. We’ve done all the work for you. All you have to do is reach out to us and share your background and story. We are eager to listen.

Start Your Path to Recovery in Maui Today

A paradise of recovery bliss awaits you, nestled in the tropics of our Maui establishment. Prepare for a broadened horizon filled to the brim with culture, new desires, and self-discovery that will ease the burden of addiction from your shoulders. You’ll leave refreshed with new desires, habits, and joys that help you live life to the fullest in ways addiction never could.

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