The Mana Recovery Blog

Here you will find a wide variety of treatment and recovery-based blogs. Addiction treatment is a multi-layered and delicate process that requires the best treatment. Having the necessary tools and resources available at your fingertips is crucial to the process.

At Mana Recovery, we pride ourselves on offering both personalized and effective treatment for all our clients. We offer a variety of different treatment options, some of which we’ll touch on in our blogs. This also includes our Recover Strong program, among others.

Located in the beautiful location of Hawaii, our team is here for you. If you or a loved one is struggling with drug abuse or addiction, it’s time to reach out for help, sooner than later, Mana Recovery is here for you!


What Do You Do When You Relapse?

Published: 09/11/2024

“Relapse” is a word that many in recovery dread, but it’s important to understand that relapse does not mean failure. It’s a sign that more work needs to be done, and it can serve as a

The Relationship Between Stress and Addiction

Published: 09/05/2024

Stress is an inevitable part of life, affecting everyone at different stages and in varying degrees. While some stress can be beneficial, helping individuals perform under pressure, chronic stress

Healthy Coping Skills For Addiction

Published: 08/28/2024

Addiction can have a devastating impact on individuals and their loved ones, often leaving them feeling overwhelmed and helpless. In these difficult times, it is crucial to have healthy coping
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